13 November 2008

Old News: Megahrudka

This was on the TV news about a month or so ago and I thought I had blogged about it, but I realized I hadn't yet.

In the Rusyn village of Roztoky (Розтоки), Svidník region (represent!), they made this massively huge hrudka. Before this, Roztoky's claim to fame was an astronomical observatory, but this hrudka is of course a much bigger deal. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the video from the news to embed, nor could I find any photos to include, but trust me, it was impressive.

Yesterday I found a short blurb about it in a rather obscure quasi-newspaper, which I include here (with my weak translation):


Rekordnú megahrudku, čo je tradičné veľkonočné jedlo Rusínov, pripravili v obci Roztoky v okrese Svidník. Kulinárskej špecialite, ktorú zapíšu do Slovenskej knihy rekordov, padlo zo obeť 5009 vajec a 330 litrov mlieka. (TASR)


A record megahrudka, which is a traditional Rusyn Easter food, was made in the village of Roztoky, Svidník okres. The culinary specialty, which was written in the Slovak book of records, sacrificed 5009 eggs and 330 liters of milk. (TASR)

This is what Rusyns do when Rusyns do something newsworthy in Slovakia.

It goes without saying that I'm not making this up -- seriously, I'm not that creative.

1 comment:

editor said...

i LOVE hrudka!! i made in in the dorm once and freaked the hell out of my roommates, haha... "you're making... cheese?"