01 November 2011

Cap de Formentor and Talaia d'Albercutx

The day we went to Cap de Formentor, it was overcast, wanting to rain, creating the drama of the Mediterranean in the autumn and winter.  This is one of the most famous areas of the island, and it certainly didn't disappoint.

This picture was taken from ~300m above sea level.
Farther up the windy road (built by an Italian) from the Mirador de Mal Pas is the Talaia d'Albercutx, which I can see from my window.  I've seen it described elsewhere by an English person as a "pepper pot" but this short article is really worth a read for the history of watch towers on Mallorca.

On the way up to the watchtower, there's ruins of an abandoned project of some kind, with the accompanying street art.  This one declares that we're on liberated land.
Going up to the top of the watch tower requires climbing a wire rung ladder to a middle level and then up another and some scrambling through a hole in the floor to get to the top level.  It's the sort of unregulated, slightly unsafe historic European thing that would never happen in the US for fear of lawsuits, which is of course what makes it so fun and also slightly terrifying.

And at the top of the tower, proof of Roma caput mundi.
The highlight were the wild goats everywhere, of whom sadly I was unable to catch a good photograph.

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