17 September 2008

Feeling fundamental

I must say, I love how I have been taking a break from the computer while I'm in Ružomberok. In the evenings, I listen to music (these days usually a combination of Pete Seeger/folk, Johnny Cash and operas) or podcasts of American public radio like The News from Lake Woebegon, Car Talk, This American Life, The Moth, and Studio 360. I also have a season pass for Mad Men from iTunes, and really enjoy watching it -- but that and the TV evening news is about all the TV I watch. Watching the TV news is part of my daily routine in Ružomberok -- I have my evening food and then watch the TV news with the sisters who watch it.

So, I need the internet and I need my computer to keep the flow of podcasts and music coming, but I thoroughly enjoy how it's not attached to me at the hip the way it would be if I was in America. I love giving myself the gift of actually listening. I didn't bring any books with me, which is so totally fine with me, because I've been writing and thinking more, and I feel like I have my brain back because I can actually think through and organize my thoughts in my head. Further, being around my books is an important part of me establishing my comfort zone, kind of like Linus and his blanket, so it's good for me to be weaning myself of that need. Because it's a heavy (both physically and mentally) need.

But having my brain back is so excellent and it's just one of the reasons I'm so incredibly happy here. It's also why me being in a convent half of the week is really great -- my day has structure, which to an extent carries over into the time I'm not in the convent, and when I'm there I'm reveling in the quiet and not being busy -- I have plenty of time to do what I need and I never have to hurry. It's so wonderful.

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